Notice Board
St John's Episcopal Church
Rev. Stuart F Gray BD, PGDE
Services at St. John's
SUNDAY 9th February 10.30am
Sung Family Eucharist for Epiphany
with Revd Stuart F Gray
Tuesday 11th February 6pm
Said Eucharist
with Revd Stuart F Gray
St John the Evangelist
Broad Street, Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 1AN
Tel No 01259 724550
Website -
Twitter - St John’s Alloa @StJohnAlloa
Instagram - stjohnsalloa
Readings for Sunday Isaiah 6:1-8(9-13). 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. Luke 5:1-11. Theme; Calling of the Disciples. How do we respond to God’s calling?
Fellowship Group The Fellowship Group’s next meeting will be on Tuesday 11th February 2025 from 1.30 -3.30pm. Please come along for a warm welcome, a cuppa and a good chat.
Thursday 13th February 2pm-3pm “Tai Chi Café” If you would like to join us on Thursday afternoons, you are very welcome and just come along. For more information speak to Laurene or email .
Vestry Meeting -Date Changed The next Vestry Meeting will now be held on Tuesday 4th March at 7.30pm. Please let Stuart or any member of the Vestry know if there is anything you wish to place on the agenda. A list of the present Vestry members is on the notice board within the church. They are also listed on the church website.
Lent Course at St James’ Parish Rooms, Dollar There will be a soup lunch, bible study and discussion on 5 Mondays throughout Lent, led by Revd Charles Sherlock. The sessions start on 10th March and will be at 12.30 (1.10pm if you prefer to skip lunch) and will end around 2pm. For more detailed information please see the posters on the church notice boards.
Newsletter If you have an item for the Newsletter please email Pam on and she will try her best to include it on the Friday. Please also let her know of any local events that members of the church might be interested in attending. Thank you.
Rota A new Rota will be put together at the end of March. If you are interested in being part of the Rota for readings, intercessions or chalice, please speak to Stuart by mid-March. For welcoming, refreshments or collection counting, please speak to Angela, and again by mid-March, so that there is time to put the Rota together. Thank you
The Gate Foodbank There is a basket in the porch for items such as tinned or dried foods, cereal, toiletries etc Thank you.
Website Please note that Stuart has carried out recent updates and additions to the website. We would welcome your comments or suggestions for further improvements.
Contacts For items for the newsletter, general or non-urgent matters please use the email but if you wish to contact Stuart urgently or in confidence, please email him at