St John's Episcopal Church, Alloa

Growing in God's love and sharing it

Notice Board

St John's Episcopal Church

Rev. Stuart F Gray BD, PGDE 

Services at St. John's


Sunday 28th July  

Sung Eucharist 10.30 am

with Revd Stuart Gray 


Tuesday 30th July 

Said Eucharist 6pm

with Revd Stuart Gray 

Vestry Meeting 7.30pm


Tuesday 27th August 

Fellowship Group Summer Outing to Tyndrum


St John the Evangelist

Broad Street, Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 1AN

Tel No  01259 724550


Website -


 Twitter - St John’s Alloa @StJohnAlloa

Instagram - stjohnsalloa

Readings for Sunday 2 Samuel 11: 1-15. Ephesians 3: 14-21. John 6: 1-21

Thanks Our grateful thanks to Alison again for covering Stuart’s leave.

Denis Fitzsimons Stuart will take Denis’ funeral at St John’s on Monday 5th August at 11am, following on at Stirling Crematorium.

Fellowship Group  All are welcome along for good company, a chat and a cuppa.  The group’s next meeting is its Summer Outing to Tyndrum on 27th August, please speak to Pat Kerr if you are interested in going.

Vestry Meeting The next Vestry meeting will be on Tuesday 30th July at 7.30pm.  Please speak to any member of the Vestry if you would like anything raised on the agenda.

Gardening If you can spare a little time, please do feel free to come along to St John’s at any time and do some light weeding in the garden. All help is greatly appreciated.  The gardening team are usually at the church on Friday morning if you would prefer to come when there is someone else at the church.

Pictures/Memories of St John’s As we will be celebrating our anniversary during an evening service on 8th September, please let Stuart or Joyce know if you have any photographs or memories that we can share with everyone.

Doors Open Days 2024 St John’s will be taking part again this year, on 28th and 29th of September.  Please speak to Angela or Pam if you would like to be involved on either one or both days.

Beginners Tai Chi Class Laurene is planning to start a Tai Chi class at St John’s in September.  It will be suitable for people with no previous experience and can be done either standing or sitting down, as both positions will give health benefits. It will be open to all, so invite your friends!  There will be refreshments, so Laurene is calling it the “Tai Chi Café” and the charge will be a small donation for the tea and coffee.  Laurene needs to know the best day and time for most people.  The choices are Wednesday mornings, Wednesday afternoons or Thursday afternoons.  Please speak to Laurene or email her at  

Bell Ringing Stuart would love to have the bells rung more regularly and is planning to organise a training weekend for people to learn how to chime them.  If you would like more information or know of anyone else who might be interested, please speak to Stuart or email him at

Contacts For the newsletter, general or non-urgent matters please use the email but if you wish to contact Stuart urgently or in confidence, please email him at