St John's Episcopal Church, Alloa

Growing in God's love and sharing it

Notice Board

St John's Episcopal Church

Rev. Stuart F Gray BD, PGDE 

Services at St. John's


Sunday 6th October  

Sung Eucharist 10.30 am

with Revd Canon Dr Alison Peden


Tuesday 8th October 

Said Eucharist 6pm

with the Reserved Sacrament 


Tuesday 8th October

Fellowship Group 1.30-3.30pm


St John the Evangelist

Broad Street, Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 1AN

Tel No  01259 724550


Website -


 Twitter - St John’s Alloa @StJohnAlloa

Instagram - stjohnsalloa

 Readings for Sunday Morning Micah 6:6-8. Galatians 6:14-18.  The Gospel reflection and theme is the life of St Francis of Assisi.

Welcome We warmly welcome Alison this week, covering for Stuart’s leave.

Season of Creation and The Gate Foodbank During this time when we focus on Creation please be as generous as you can in making donations for ‘The Gate Foodbank’, here in Alloa.  There is a basket in the porch for items such as tinned or dried foods, cereal, toiletries etc Thank you.

Doors Open Days 2024 Thanks to everyone involved last weekend in preparing the church for our visitors and welcoming them.  It was a great success and the best turnout we have ever had!   

Tuesday 8th October 1.30pm-3.30pm Fellowship Group Meeting. All are welcome along to Fellowship Group meetings for good company, a chat and a cuppa.

Thursday 10th October 2pm-3pm “Tai Chi Café” If you would like to join us on Thursday afternoons, you are very welcome and just come along. For more information speak to Laurene or email .

Saturday 12th October “Garden Party” Please come along and help to tidy the garden for winter, if you can, between 10.30am and 12.30pm.  Thank you.

Sunday 27th October There will be Morning Prayer at 10.30am and the Eucharist at 2pm will include the Laying on of Hands for the sick or housebound. There will be refreshments following the afternoon service. 

Friday 1st November at 7pm There will be a service of remembrance for our loved ones.

Rota Duties If you are on one of the duties on the Rota please make sure you organise a swap or let someone know if you’re not going to be at church.  Thank you.

Phone, Broadband and Internet As you may know this service has been very poor and we are changing provider.  The internal work has now been carried out to receive full fibre and we are awaiting the engineers carrying out the external work to complete the connection. Meanwhile the present provider will continue.

Contacts For the newsletter, general or non-urgent matters please use the email but if you wish to contact Stuart urgently or in confidence, please email him at   Please note that it is now safe to use Stuart’s email address again, as the fake virus has been removed.