St John's Episcopal Church, Alloa

Growing in God's love and sharing it

You are most Welcome

Just a little about us.

Our priest is Stuart and when he is not here then it is usually Alison.

Our Liturgy is all on the screens for you to join in, we sing hymns, pray, read from the Bible and receive Communion every week. Service

Communion Our table is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour to receive Communion, please come down the main aisle to receive the Sacrament first in the form of the Host and then the Chalice.  If you are celiac please tell us in advance and we will provide a gluten free host.  We normally take the Host and eat it then take a sip from the Chalice.  We normally receive both but you can choose to receive either, should you wish.

Children - All ages are welcome and we don't worry about noise.  There is also a children's area in the porch. 

Giving -  we don't pass a plate, if you are able to and would like to donate to us, then thank you; there is a plate for an offering in the main aisle, if you are a UK tax payer we would be very grateful if you could give us permission to claim the Tax back on your gift. 

Email Accounts and give us your name and address.

Bank details - Account number us 27205860  Sort 80-22-60